Yoshi Kosuge, MD, Monordi Oy Ltd. to speak on the Japanese market entry at Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce on 16.03.2022

Yoshi Kosuge , managing director of Monordi , will be speaking on the Japanese market entry at the Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce on March 16th, 2022. Please check the details on the event page behind the URL below and register through it if you are interested in the business in Japan or with Japanese companies!


Date: Wednesday, 16 March, 2022 at 11.30 – 13.00
Venue: WTC Helsinki, Marski Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 17

11.30 Welcome by Mr Juha Pitkänen, Chair, Finland-Japan Chamber of Commerce
11.35 Presentation by Mr Yoshi Kosuge, Managing Director, Monordi Oy
12.05 Questions and discussion
12.15 Lunch
13.00 Event ends

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